Heartland Chevelle Club
Meeting Notes
March 18, 2018 - Mattress Factory, Omaha, Ne.

Members in attendance: Richard Fulton, Jon Torrey, Jan & Rick Lambert, Bob & Karen Clegg, Steve Fitch & Teri Kendall, Greg Hansen, Ron & Linda Liston, Nick Tomykowski, Steve Kohler, Jon Porsel, Fred Franklin, Bob & Cathy VonKaenel, Justin King, Greg Reisdorff, Pat & Logan Matthews, Jason Shulenberger, Carl Bortol.

Meeting was called to order.

Secretary's Report:
Report was read by Jan Lambert

Treasurer's Report:
Report was read by Jay Johnson

Member News:

Agenda Items:

Greg introduced Jeff Carls with the new drive-inn theatre. Jeff talked about the theatre opening April 2019. The theatre will be between 8 miles west of 156th St on Hwy 36 between Bennington and Valley Ne. They are planning a Thursday Cruise night. Jeff will come back to a meeting the closer it gets to opening the theatre.

April from Sweet Cases for Sweet Faces came to promote the car show. The car show will be Sat. June 9, 2018 @ Millard South High School, 5606 So. 147th St. Reg is from 8-10am and the show is from 10am – 2pm. Pre-registration is open now. If we get 10 cars to register as a group it will be $20.00 per car. They will have goodie bags and donuts for the drivers.

Greg read a list of shows.

Riverfest changed the date to July 7, 2018 and is not in the Car Council Book.

Rick Lambert, Steve Fitch, Jason Shulenberger, Nick Tomykowski and Bob VonKaenel will meet to set-up some fun cruises, and to cruise to the April and June meetings.

Greg talked about WOW for next year. Greg suggested we put the cars in the Auto Rama part of the show. Discussion was tabled until closer to the show next year.

Greg talked about the plaques – artwork being done by Dennis O’Brien (O’Brien Trucking) Will have more information at the next meeting.

Motion was made by Bob Clegg to pay Greg Hansen $50.00 for the room at the Mattress Factory that he paid for. It was 2nd by Jay Johnson. Voted on and passed. Our waitress decided to divide the cost by everyone who was in attendance therefore no money needed to pay Greg Hansen.

Carl Bortol said he would make the club some banners will have more information at the next meeting.

There was no further business. Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 P.M.

Meeting notes submitted by Jan Lambert, Secretary